Sunday, October 19, 2014

Same Language

CNN recently did an exclusive interview with the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsy. In his interview he talked heavily about ISIS and the statements he made were very concerning to me. In previous weeks I have talked about Middle East fatigue and the feelings of dread and exhaustion that immediately comes when even the topic of the Middle East is brought on. The report that came from Dempsy in no meaningful way, relieved any worries, to even a casual observer of military involvement in the Middle East.

I believe Dempsy is aware that the rhetoric he chooses to use at any time can become extremely controversial and would take a majority of the headlines. Because of this I believe Dempsy is trying to reassure that troops on the ground is not necessary. I still think his words at face value because of what I am actually seeing from ISIS. The same night the report goes out CNN has another one saying that ISIS has gained more ground in Iraq and is preparing another attack.  Isis is still rapidly spreading across the world, and more and more ISIS beheading are happening across nations around the world. How can he be so sure that our military strategy is enough? I understand other nations are donating us troops, butis it possible we need all hands on deck?


  1. I would agree that our military leaders and strategist need to take a closer look at the events happening around the world and that a plan needs to be devised. I also feel that the said leadership needs to be more forthcoming about passing along positive yet realistic stories to the public. If ISIS is spreading which I have no doubt that it is, then our news media and government need to get on the same page with sharing such information.

  2. Carlton and Wes,

    I agree with each of you. Perhaps, once the midterm elections are over in two weeks, we will hear more information about what is actually going on around the world regarding ISIS. Perhaps our government doesn't want to make this an "election" topic, so they are being coy about what is said/revealed. I do feel there are times when war is absolutely necessary! I also believe that NOW may be the time to re-evaluate the strategy we have in place, and be prepared to put troops on the ground for the security of our nation, and those around us. Other countries must also prepare for this lengthy engagement. President Obama should stop telling us what he won't do (put troops on the ground) and leave ALL OPTIONS ON THE TABLE! Don't box us in with statements like that.

  3. We dont! I think that there is already so much going on in our nation that we should hold off on dropping all our duties to go help others. Unless they are bothering US then I think we need to remain out of it.
