Monday, November 24, 2014


The verdict is out and the grand jury did not indict Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson for any crimes related to the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. The reaction to the verdict in my opinion has been awful. There have been various  fires throughout the city and multiple looting of businesses. One of the businesses that was burned burned was a local meat packaging store, and I ask what these business owners have done.
I believe whether or not officer Darren Wilson was justified in his action against Mike Brown, there is a major problem with police brutality and minorities. I believe that is our duty as AMERICANS to bring as much attention to issue and show the world that we will brutal police tactics will not be tolerated in our country, but violence is not the answer. Small business owners have suffered because of all the turmoil and chaos of these actions, these protestors are hurting the community even more, rather than working on any solution. Fast food chains like McDonald's have been looted and even liquor stores, is this the image we want everyone to see?
When we react like this, it only scares away those who do not quite understand. Personally Ferguson represents more than just one incident, but rather a representation of violent police tactics against minorities, let’s examine Chicago. The Huffing on post states “that black and Latino targets were involved in 92 percent of the Chicago Police Department's uses of stun guns from 2009 to 2011. Throughout the first half of 2014, black targets have been involved in 78 percent of the department's stun gun uses” (a link to the article is pasted below”. The Huffington also noted that among 10,149 complaints of excessive force, illegal searches, racial abuse or false arrest filed by residents between 2002 and 2004, only 124  1.2 percent  were sustained, and only 19 cases led to a penalty of suspension of at least a week or worse, according to the document.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


There has been a lot of media uproar about Johnathan Gruber’s comments regarding America’s knowledge of Obama care. In case you are not aware of the story Johnathan Gruber served as a senior adviser to Obama, for the Affordable Care Act. Where the controversy has come from has been his comments about transparency Gruber in the clip talks about the lack of transparency in the bill, and the ignorance of the American people in knowing what was in the bill.
When I first saw the comments and headlines on the different media outlets I had no idea about the entirety his statements. After flipping through Fox News and CNN and listening to pundits discuss it, I still had no idea about what was said. So I went on YouTube and found the clip that cause so much controversy (see video below).

Now after watching the whole clip and not the sound bites, I find Gruber’s comments disturbing. When politicians capitalize on their ability to hide things from the American people then you enter extremely dark territory. Something like controversial ad life altering as the Affordable Care Act should have been extremely transparent, and the Obama administration should have made every effort to explain each aspect of the bill not hide it.
However, Gruber only stated what many politicians believe to be true, regardless of ideology. According to Gruber the Obama administration was not forthcoming with the American people in regards to Affordable Care Act. However, if you look into Bush’s presidency the average American had no idea that the Patriot Act would encroach on so many rights. The fact that politicians mislead the American people to accomplish their goals is not only disappointing but also unacceptable. In reality however Gruber only pointed out what politicians have been using forever the shadows.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Obama v. Congress

Well the results are in and the Republicans now control both houses. The message that Obama should have received from the American voters should have ironically been change.

 Public opinion of Obama and the government overall has been subject through a steady decrease. As a person that wants to see cooperation in Washington the remarks from President Obama were not encouraging. The day after the Senate elections Obama gave a press conference, the President didn't do much to suggest that his White House would work differently.   Obama and CNN has a point, and is reasonable to expect more vetoes with no democrat Senate to stop the bills from reaching his desk, and with the Republican openly challenging the president’s policies.
As a matter of fact a CNN article predicts Obama actually using his veto power more often. Obama himself even said "Congress will pass some bills I cannot sign. I'm pretty sure I'll take some actions that some in Congress will not like. That's natural. That's how our democracy works". With the threat of an executive order to combat the immigration laws and a Congress that is ready to challenge the President at any step who knows what the future holds.